Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Conspiracy theory mail art by Carien van Hest (Netherlands)


Mail art by Carien van Hest (Zutphen, Netherlands)

We're thrilled to welcome another new correspondence artist to Glam Faction: Carien van Hest of the Netherlands.

Like yesterday's GF star, Maxima Strange, Carien van Hest is making a big splash at IUOMA-Ning (founded by another Netherlands artist: Ruud Janssen). Her work is spreading around the globe via the Eternal Network. We are deeply grateful she took the time to send this intriguing work to your faithful Glam Faction. Here is the reverse side of the piece above & another work Carien included:

"Map of Scaledonia" to our team of experts here at GF appears to be a clever, artistic take on pervasive conspiracy theories circulating today with political satire included for good measure. We are fans of fiber art as well as map collage, so Carien van Hest has touched our aesthetic hearts. Of course, if any Glamsters have a different interpretation of her art, insights to benefit us all, please contact us!

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