Mail art by PetrolPetal (Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa)
Our hearts fluttered when we spied in the Glam Faction post office box this beautiful envelope from the FAB PetrolPetal in sunny South Africa.
Do Glamsters know South Africa is one of the happening places in the world for mail art? Cheryl Penn's South African Correspondence School seems to have launched the SA New Wave a decade ago. Since then, many artists have distinguished themselves. PetroPetal is certainly among the faves.
The prolific PetrolPetal (PetPet?) is less familiar to us than old friends like Cheryl Penn, Lesley Magwood Fraser and Cuan Miles (to name but a few). We have admired PP's work from afar. And this piece is purr-fect for the Glam Faction. Welcome PetrolPetal! Thank you so much!
We adored the outside of this piece and discovered it is essentially a wonderful example of envelope art. (Nothing inside.) During our investigation we discovered an address underneath our address like a magic door:
Mail art by PetrolPetal (Wilton, South Africa)
Oh dear, PetrolPetal seems to have intended the piece for the grand Richard Canard! (Must we be condemned to dwell in his shadow?) Then due to a change of heart or a spell of shyness (we can only conjecture) our PetrolPetal changed her mind and sent the piece to Glam Faction.
Well, we feel fortunate to have the work. But we feel like the prom date who discovers s/he was a second choice. A "valuable life lesson" to you Glamsters: Sometimes mail art can feel like a popularity contest; so hide your tears and smile. Those awful MinXus folk said, "It's all about who has the best hair." Now we understand. You see, the piece has a romantic theme. Here is the reverse side:
Mail art by PetrolPetal (Wilton, South Africa)
Beyond the broken hearts, party invitations and dance partners - it is about the art! And this work by PetrolPetal is great!And even more confusing (is this some kind of a&p?):
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