Friday, September 25, 2020

Richard Canard endorses Trashpo Nuevo (?)

Mail art by Richard Canard (Carbondale, Illinois, USA)

Richard Canard is such a towering figure in all of mail art that some Glamsters might not realize he is an official Legend of Trashpo among his many other affiliations and honors. 

Conversely, some newer members of the Eternal Network might not realize Richard Canard's reputation extends well beyond his affiliation with Diane Keys and the Trashpoets. (He was, for instance, an original member of Ray Johnson's New York Correspondance [sic] School.)

Richard Canard can be trusted to intuit network movements (if he is not igniting them). So we wonder if this recent communication from Richard C reveals a conscious or unconscious awareness of the Trashpo Nuevo we have been theorizing upon these humble pages recently. Time will tell.

We also believe Richard's pearls of wisdom on this piece are especially inspired. 

Thanks as ever to Richard C!

One-way ticket from the mysterious Atte Ourie (Helsinki, Finland)


Mail art by Atte Ourie (Helsinki, Finland)

Mail art is filled with mysteries, riddles, paradox and cryptic messages. Attentive Glamsters can even see it here on our humble blog where we seek to remove the smoke and mirrors for you!

Tonight we welcome - for the first time on Glam Faction! - the mysterious and enigmatic Atte Ourie of Finland who is a bona fide mail art legend. For years, Atte Ourie has been sending wonderful art around the world. They are messages written in strange symbols (probably asemic) that no one has been able to decode. Sometimes Atte Ourie sends beautiful maps, but no one has been able to locate places represented on these (apparent) maps. 

Strangest of all, unusual in all of mail art as far as we know, Atte Ourie provides no return address. So Atte Ourie chooses to send you art, but you have no way to respond. (We do believe, however, that s/he watches mail art blogs and platforms closely.) Atte Ourie does have a blog:

In the Eternal Network, one-way communication might seem self-defeating; it might even be viewed negatively. But Atte Ourie's "shtick" has proved endearing and enduring. Indeed, we venture to say s/he has become a beloved network presence. Atte's art "grows on you," as they used to say on the Mink Ranch.

So we're thrilled to welcome Atte Ourie to Glam Faction.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Trashpo Nuevo by Yvonne Kettner (Duisburg, Germany)


"Aah Trashpo" by Yvonne Kettner (Duisburg, Germany) (2020)

The original "movement" that made Trashpo a leading force in mail art of the last decade seems to have subsided. The gathering of artistic & poetic geniuses now known as the "Legends of Trashpo" have moved on to evolutionary chakras beyond Trashpo. They have committed themselves to spiritual quests or - as in the cases of Queen of Trash Diane Keys & Lucky Pierre - simply vanished from the public eye. 

Stop the presses! Just when you thought it might be safe to dive back into the dumpster, a new generation of exciting, brilliant mail artists at IUOMA-Ning are exploring Trashpo & re-defining & re-newing it!

Your ever-vigilant culture workers here at the Glam Faction are committed to bringing you the freshest news in terms of Eternal Network doings. So we will keep you abreast of the Trashpo new wave beginning with these breath-taking works by Yvonne Kettner of Germany. 

Yvonne posted these (what we'll call) Trashpo Nuevo pieces at the IUOMA-Ning gallery, where - of course - they are a FAB hit!. Yvonne Kettner kindly provided these elegant scans for us to share with Glamsters! Tney are beautifully united by the eternal Trashpo theme of pizza. Yet Yvonne has added her own aesthetic stamp to the tropes of traditional Trashpo.

Welcome to Yvonne Kettner. We look forward to sharing more of her art in the future as well as Trashpo Nuevo by other emerging networkers.

"Trashpo Michael, stay cheesy"  by Yvonne Kettner (2020)

"Pizza pimp" by Yvonne Kettner

Friday, September 11, 2020

Mail art by Jean-Philippe Gilliot (Saint Ghislain, Belgium)

Mail art by Jean-Philippe Gilliot (Saint Ghislain, Hainaut, Belgium)

We are thrilled to welcome Jean-Philippe Gilliot to the Glam Faction! He is among the new crew of "emerging" correspondence artists that have our comrades swooning in the IUOMA-Ning gallery & of course through the postal system. 

Jean-Philippe Gilliot has already won the hearts & minds of your faithful GF staffers with these two wonderful postcards. If you are not already familiar with his FAB art, we hope someday you'll tell someone, "Oh! The FAB Jean-Philippe Gilliot. I first saw his work at the Glam Faction!"

Deepest thanks to our new friend from Belgium. We look forward to sharing more of your work.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

#dsfcult kit for the summer of love

Mail art by DSF (Dopesick San Francisco) (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)

This has been a great summer for longtime M-L contributor Michael Kelly, aka DSF (Dopesick San Francisco) who has now proclaimed himself #dsfcult & has become the current star in the strange world of Eternal Network cults, religions & divine ranters who share their visions through the postal system. We have two batches of #dsfcult mail to share with Glamsters.

On MinXus-LynXus & now on Glam Faction we have consistently named DSF among the Top 10 correspondence artists working today. Among other factors, we've praised the DSF post-Punk aesthetic. DSF had an exhibition this month at the Winston Gallery in New Bedford, Massachusetts.  Has DSF gone "fine art"? Highly unlikely, but we snap our fingers for any art gallery with vision to hang #dsfcult. Bravo Winston Gallery!

In the new order of a radically, rapidly changed world DSF has an increased relevance as postal bard of transformed social & political reality beyond a culture worker masterfully using the tropes of the 20th century avant garde. In cult terms, he has become a pandemic prophet. Perhaps it would be simpler to say, "Every dog has its day." DSF & the stars are in some cosmic alignment.  We're thrilled to share this work on Glam Faction.

By DSF (Michael Kelly)

By DSF (Michael Kelly)

By DSF (Michael Kelly)

By DSF (Michael Kelly)

By DSF (Michael Kelly)

By DSF (Michael Kelly)

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tears of a clown by Sinclair Scripa

Mail art by Sinclair Scripa (aka Tara Verheide aka Tanya) (Ludlow, Vermont, USA)

What an exciting week it has been for glam fans everywhere & for your dedicated culture workers here at the glam factory! 

We've brought you blinding talent from rising Eternal Network stars as well as super nova spectaculars from longtime correspondence artists who have become part of our lives. 

Tonight we might well "break the bank" with this incredible package from the legendary Sinclair Scripa aka Tara Verheide & forever known to her MinXus-LynXus fans simply as "Tanya."  

Tanya's Glam Faction debut is extraordinarily inspirational with her exciting move into the clown art genre ("I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Gacy!"), pandemic political satire (?) & Fluxus bucks. 

Perhaps all else is eclipsed by the unavoidable proof - at first unknown to us - that Tanya is one of mail art's greatest ranters. Excepting add & pass, rants just might be mail art's biggest contribution to culture. Tanya is mail art's greatest ranter (& now clown artist too). 

Our deepest thanks to Tanya! Welcome to the Glam Faction.

Mail art by Sinclair Scripa (Ludlow, Vermont, USA)

Mail art by Sinclair Scripa (Ludlow, Vermont, USA)

Mail art by Sinclair Scripa (Ludlow, Vermont, USA)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

King Richard's palace: 2 X Richard Canard


Mail art by Richard Carnard (Carbondale, Illinois, USA)

Da Da by Joey Patrickt


Mail art by Joey Patrickt (Oakland, California, USA)

It's been way too long since the art of Joey Patrickt has given Glam Faction a sparkle, but that is all behind us now with this FAB postcard from sunny NoCal. 

Joey's unmistakable style & wit bears a tribute to DaDa with a touch of retro. DaDa is still a heavy hitter in the art world & in the hearts of Glamsters everywhere. Joey Patrickt is a heavy hitter in mail art as well, at least according to our book. Deepest thanks to Joey for sending us this piece!